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Oh! This warm Georgia weather has me browsing seed catalogs like the old Sears catalog of days gone by! I love days where we can sit in the sun with a light jacket and dream of raised bed gardens filled with vegetables. Growing your own food reduces your grocery bill and improves the quality of the meals you make.
Today is a great day to gather up the cups and containers you have saved all winter to fill with a good quality soil - remember, use a high-quality soil for the best germination. Use Burpee's Organic gardening soil or similar, because you want a soil rich in natural nutrients, not full of chemicals and you want a soil that is pure soil, not contaminated with weed seeds. Right now, our raised bed garden is filled with cabbage but soon, we want to fill with early vegetables like tomatoes and squash!

Place your containers in a deep pan or tray - you can recycle a casserole aluminum pan if you have one around the house - they work great! For best results, use Gardzen Seed Starter tray because it has a tall dome top which is the perfect miniature greenhouse! Fill each container with about 3 inches of soil and spray lightly with water to dampen (you are not making mud pies). If your containers don't have a dome top, then you will need to cover lightly with a clear lid of some type such as plastic wrap or clear thin plastic lid.
Using a grow light such as this clamp on GooingTop Grow Light will also improve germination and hardy stock plants. Your seeds need to stay warm. You can use a table-top or hanging grow light if you have the space available. I have found using a clamp on light allows more versatility for "where" my seeds are growing. Flexibility is key in all parts of life!
Finally, add about an inch of water, keep the dome on your plant tray and in about a week to 10 days you will see your seeds sprouting! Follow us on Instagram @scott_family_farm